ZIP code Brevnov (Praha 6) » Praha » Czech Republic
ZIP code Břevnov (Praha 6) 16900. Postal code (zip code) Břevnov (Praha 6) belonging to zip code Praha, zip code Czech Republic. The routing number of Břevnov (Praha 6) is 169 00.
ZIP code Hloubetin (Praha 9) » Praha » Czech Republic
ZIP code Hloubětín (Praha 9) 19000. Postal code (zip code) Hloubětín (Praha 9) belonging to zip code Praha, zip code Czech Republic. The routing number of Hloubětín (Praha 9) is 190 00.
ZIP code Mala Strana (Praha 5) » Praha » Czech Republic
ZIP code Malá Strana (Praha 5) 15000. Postal code (zip code) Malá Strana (Praha 5) belonging to zip code Praha, zip code Czech Republic. The routing number of Malá Strana (Praha 5) is 150 00.
ZIP code Dolni Mecholupy (Praha-Dolni Mecholupy) (cast » Praha » Czech Repu...
ZIP code Dolní Měcholupy (Praha-Dolní Měcholupy) (část 10200. Postal code (zip code) Dolní Měcholupy (Praha-Dolní Měcholupy) (část belonging to zip code Praha, zip code Czech Republic. The routing number of Dolní Měcholupy (Praha-Dolní M...
ZIP code Hodonin » Czech Republic
ZIP code Hodonín 69618. Postal code (zip code) Hodonín belonging to zip code Czech Republic. The routing number of Hodonín is 696 18.